Restart Programme

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The human brain is an extraordinary organ with an unlimited capacity to learn, but age tends to catch up with it!

Brighter Minds

The human brain is an extraordinary organ, with an unlimited capacity for learning, but age tends to catch up with it! 

RESTART is a 30-day programme for people over 40. It is, among other things, designed to tackle age-related 'brain fatigue' and revitalise the mind.  It is a scientifically planned exploration of exercises that stimulate ‘cognitive reserve’.

Cognitive reserve - the brain's ability to learn, to retain skills related to memory, conceptual thinking, problem solving, mental clarity, pattern recognition, language, attention, perception, etc. - can diminish with age.

Like any muscle in our body, the brain needs exercise to stay in shape. It sets priorities. The neuronal pathways that are most used become stronger and those that are dormant are eliminated. Another important brain principle is that neurons that fire together connect together.

Research shows that fighting age-related cognitive decline is the key to good health (mind, body, and spirit). RESTART gives you the tools to tap into your cognitive potential, to build a new foundation for the years to come, to help you achieve the best of your career and your projects. It allows you to put life’s pressures and constraints into perspective, and to find the freedom to rethink the world.

Déroulé du programme
Caratteristiche del corso

5 to 7 modules of 3 hours each, the training takes place live and online via Zoom web-conference. 

3 passionate trainers support you during your month of training. They put all their skills and know-how at the service of participants.

Participants interact with trainers and work in groups throughout the course. 

The training combines several activities related to lifestyle, creativity, the body, and all cognitive aspects. Participants are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone in a caring and joyful way to rectify unhealthy habits.

Bonuses and other gifts are offered during the month of training to rediscover the power of living a joyful life!

A relaxation and meditation technique (optional and out of the training hours) is offered to help participants relax and unwind.

To protect participants' data in accordance with GDPR standards, the training is not recorded or downloadable.

Les activités du programme
Programme's activities

Physical, cognitive, and creative activities are the hallmarks of this rich and varied course. 

  • Warm-ups and group activities that stimulate memory, rhythm, coordination, team spirit, concentration, and attention
  • Physical activities: dance, yoga, gymnastics 
  • Memory techniques 
  • Exercises that stimulate neuroplasticity 
  • Lifestyle related learning: physical exercise, nutrition, sleep, challenge, novelty, the pillars of a healthy life
  • Group activities that stimulate relationships, creativity, and self-confidence
  • Meditation and relaxation

Your registration validated, you will receive a work guide to reinforce a detailed observation of your daily life and help you to modify your habits.

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Formation facilitateur Alpha - Ile de la Réunion - Mai 2025
Stage Restart en présentiel - Sanary-sur-Mer
Stages Alpha - Chabeuil
Stage Alpha - Chaintré
Stage Alpha - Lausanne - Avril 2025
Stage Restart en Présentiel - Sisteron
Formation Certifiante Facilitateur Alpha - 2025
Stage intensif Alpha - Sisteron
Stage Alpha à Illtal en Alsace (68) les samedis
Stage Alpha en Alsace ( 68) les mercredis
Formation Alpha Découverte en ligne
Présentation de la méthode Brighter Minds - LIVE MENSUEL GRATUIT
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