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They trust our method

We offer the Alpha program adapted to the school agendas of students aged 6 to 16, in primary, secondary and high schools.
Brighter Minds


Alpha is a science-based educational initiative, driven by the latest discoveries in the field of cognitive neuroscience.

This training provides students with cognitive and sensory enhancement, using a method that strengthens key competencies such as concentration, observation, comprehension, memory, intuition, empathy and confidence. Created by researchers, this method has been developed to ensure that all children are intellectually and emotionally balanced and ready to face life with confidence.  


In today's environment, schools and families are now more open to the insights of neuroscience and activities that provide children the tools to improve mental health and well-being. Our programmes support teachers and educators to facilitate positive change, to navigate successfully through current and longer term challenges.

Alarming yet common concerns are reported by education professionals: problems with attention, motivation, concentration, loss of confidence, fatigue, anxiety and depression. The mental health of students has deteriorated significantly. There is a decrease in cognitive abilities due to excessive use of screens, lack of sports and contact with nature.The Alpha programme is the solution that contributes to good mental health, reduces stress and its harmful consequences. The activities increase self-confidence and emotional intelligence in a respectful and caring environment to facilitate learning, for students who will excel in all aspects of their lives.

Teachers' testimonies

+50 %
attention span and concentration
observation skills
+32 %
in reading speed
+27 %
in long-term memory
A study conducted in 8 weeks on 2500 students in India followed by a team of multidisciplinary and independent researchers.


Researchers in India have studied the possibility of improving cognitive development in children, as part of a general study of the effects of different brain training programmes. 2500 students in 12 schools experienced the Brighter Minds Alpha programme.Several hundred participated in the study.

External researchers were hired to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme.
A multidisciplinary team of public health, assessment, psychiatry and psychology specialists developed tools and conducted the surveys. 

Promising and positive results were observed in the children within a very short period of time of 8 weeks. 

The teachers observed that the children were calmer, more assertive and more participative in class, showed better attention and concentration, were less distracted, were less reluctant to talk to teachers in class, reflecting improved self-confidence, memory and self-discipline.

They also said that the programme should have started at the beginning of the school year so that students would benefit more.

The study found that Brighter Minds Alpha training had a positive impact on the following cognitive processes: attention, observation and memory.

It was reported that there were improvements in the children's self-confidence, expression and comprehension.

quotienT emotionnel

Today there is a growing awareness that the intelligence quotient (IQ) alone is not sufficient, but must be complemented by the emotional quotient (EQ).

Parents and teachers are looking for simple and effective solutions.Brighter Minds appears to be the "high potential" option to consider.

Its simple design allows school administrators to integrate it smoothly into the existing curriculum. 

Today's world needs excellence, with leaders who are intellectually rich, emotionally rich, with a capacity for introspection. It is time to think and act in this direction now.

Programme's activities

Stimulation of attention - creation of a positive environment - development of emotional quotient 
Physical and sensory-motor activities to create joy, motivation, unify the group, improve coordination
Brain exercises to improve brain plasticity, attention, memory, comprehension, perseverance
Memory and observation games
Cooperation and relational intelligence
Sensory motor skills
Deepening of concentration
Breathing activities to release stress, body tension and activate concentration
Eye activities to optimise attention, concentration, improve vision, speed up reading, stimulate brain connections
Relaxation and sensory enhancement

Les avantages du programme Alpha

Développer ses capacités cognitives
Harmoniser des fonctions cérébrales
Mémoriser et se concentrater
S'adapater et faire preuve de résilience
Augmenter sa vitesse de lecture
Créer, observer, se motiver
Se calmer et avoir confiance en soi
Se connecter à son intuision
Prémunir les problèmes de santé mentale

Two options are offered

An Alpha training programme for teachers and education workers is available to both private and public schools so that classes can benefit from these innovative practices.

Option 1 : Brighter Minds Institute France sends facilitators to the school to deliver the Alpha programme to students

Facilitators commissioned by the BMF Institute visit the school to deliver the programme to the students. After coordination with the principal and the teacher, a schedule is established. The minimum amount of hours is 32 spread over one or two semesters.It is possible to subscribe to more hours, depending on the needs of the students.The facilitators work with the help of the teacher.Specific materials are required for the programme to run smoothly.

Option 2 : The Brighter Minds Institute France trains the teachers who will deliver the programme to students.

Teachers are trained by the BMF Institute online.The school signs a partnership contract with the BMF Institute which allows it to deliver the Alpha programme for one year.The trained teacher distributes the programme to his/her students.Trainers can come to the school on demand to support the teacher in the implementation of the programme. Specific materials are used for the programme.

Do you want to organise
a training course in your school?

Contact us directly by email: